Sunday, November 27, 2011

Walking by SightFaith

Luke 20:41-44
This question here is posed in response to a previous question asked by the Sadducees.  They did not believe in resurrection and they wanted Jesus to prove them otherwise (vs. 27).  They asked him a question regarding this matter, thinking their intellect had come across a bridge that was uncrossable, thereby rendering resurrection impossible (vs. 28-33).  They knew, just knew they had Jesus in a compromising position and that he would be exposed by their reasoning.  However, he answers their question and then poses a question of his own.  They believed in scriptures of the Messiah to come, the Son of David, and yet David, when writing of this, seemingly states a contradictory thought, that the Messiah will indeed be the Son of David, and yet David's Lord at the same time.  The Sadducees had no trouble believing this, which goes against reason, but they reject the notion of resurrection due to its opposition to reasoning.  How interesting that they are so quick to accept some impossible matters of faith but reject others.  Jesus ends up exposing them.  It is not in godliness that they truly revel and find being, but in self-promotion.  They desire attention and recognition, the praise of the people, not honest matters of faith and truth, even though appearances may suggest otherwise (vs. 46-47).  Due to their earthly religious mindset, they had grown blind to loopholes in their faith, their hypocrisy in beliefs.  Their position of self first prevented them from seeing the truth, even when Jesus clearly pointed it out.  Are we not the exact same?  Are we not quick to accept things by faith such as redemption and regeneration, atonement, the Trinity, a Holy Spirit indwelling and speaking to us, the parting of the Red Sea, etc?  These completely go against reasoning and logic, and yet we accept them as truth because God's word says it.  And yet, at the same time, we reject other commands in scripture such as giving up all we have, avoiding worldliness, selling our possessions and refraining from earthly luxuries, moving to dangerous areas to witness, etc. all because they make no sense, we cannot understand them.  Why the difference?  We too, despite our "godly" appearances, are self-seeking.  We too desire to please and satisfy our flesh, even in religious matters, so we accept those things that benefit us or have no affect on us, and we reject those things that are difficult or inconvenient, dismissing them due to the fact that they make no sense.  And yet if we step back and truly look at the whole of scripture, none of it makes sense, humanly speaking.  But we are blind to this due to our selfishness, blind like the religious of that day.  We are told that faith is essential in all matters of our lives (Galations 3:11, II Corinthians 5:7, Proverbs 3:5-6), not just some.  In all areas, we have to be led by God through his Holy Spirit, not our own understanding, or else it is in no way pleasing to God (Hebrews 11:6) and in fact is sin (Romans 14:23).  We are not afforded the luxury of making our own decisions or relying on our own reasoning.  Why do we feel that it is ok to walk blindly in faith in some areas, but refrain from walking by faith in other areas?  Why are we quick to use human reasoning and wisdom (common sense) as our gauge of what to accept in faith and what to reject?  This is not the determining factor, Jesus is and he has given us our commands.  The religious of that day were of the mindset that they had figured it out and this caused a blend of faith and sight for their lives, a walking by faithsight.  Jesus exposes this and warns against it.  We either walk by faith or by sight, not both.  Let us repent of our ways, or else we cannot follow God and are of no help to others either (Luke 6:41-42).  Do not let outward appearances fool you.  No matter how righteous our acts appear, if not in faith, if not conducted because God is leading you to, then it is of no eternal value.  Their intellect blinded them.  Will our arrogance and "common sense" also continue to blind us?

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