Mark 12:28-34
We must pose a very important question here: have we neglected the greatest commandment, according to Jesus, in favor of his other commandments? I fear we have put serving, giving, studying the Bible, even the great commission ahead of this, the greatest of all commandments. But we have to realize that if we have done this, all these other works are absolutely worthless (I Cor. 13:1-3). All our other works flow from this. We cannot properly perform these other duties until we have first laid hold of this, the greatest of all commandments. We must be very careful because these duties can be performed out of love of religion, or self, or others, or any number of things. These motives are not wrong seemingly, unless love of God is not primary, then they have taken a place where they do not belong. Love of God is essential. It is our testimony to the world (I John 13:35). It is the prerequisite to loving others (I John 5:2). And it is the commandment that all other commandments hinge upon (Matthew 22:39, 40). Look at the fruits of the Spirit (Galations 5:22, 23). Do not all the other fruits seem to stem from the first fruit: love? These are the true indications of whether or not the Spirit is working and leading, not outward appearance. And it is not enough to just know this. The scribe in our story knew it, confessed it, seemingly believed it, and yet Jesus only states he is close to the kingdom, not a part of it (vs. 32-34). We can know this and yet still miss it, just as this scribe did. We must stop measuring our christian lives by how much we witness or serve or give. We must start measuring by God's standard: how much do we love, first him, then others. Because only he can give this (I John 4:19). Getting these out of order is death to our christian walk, no matter how spiritual you and your works may appear.
Can't argue with that!