Thursday, October 6, 2011

Render to Caeser What is Caesar's

Mark 13-17
I find it interesting that this passage immediately follows the parable of the vineyard owner (12:1-12).  From this first parable one would infer that God has planted the vineyard, provided all the means necessary to harvest it and keep it, therefore he is due all the fruit of it, i.e. he owns everything, we are just working it so we owe him all of "our" earnings.  Therefore give him all your money.  Seems pretty simple.  But then you come across this passage where Jesus commands one to give money to the government, as is due them, rendering it impossible to give all to God, which is due him (Luke 14:33), seeming to contradict his former parable of the vineyard, where the true owner of the vineyard is due the fruit of the vineyard.  This is where we must be given ears to hear and eyes to see.  God is not after simply our money.  We are to give God what is due him: our heart and lives, not simply our money.  We can give all our money to him out of peer pressure or guilt or to advance our own name and ministry or legalism, etc., which still holds back from him what is due him: our hearts, missing the whole point and purpose.  Simply giving him money out of impure motives is nothing more than paying taxes to the government.  If we give out of these motives God is still not our treasure, therefore neither are our hearts his (Matthew 6:21).  He most often asks for our money, not because he wants it or needs it, but because we are so attached to it, giving it what only he deserves.  And as long as this is the case, we cannot properly serve and love him (Matthew 6:24), despite what we may say or think.  The issue here is obedience, not simply giving money.  He is due, not only our money, but whatever he asks for, whether that be money or not.  Money, to God, is worthless in and of itself.  It is earthly and due the government, so let them have it.  God is due so much more.  Give Caesar your money, but give God your heart and loyalty and obedience and affection and anything else he asks for, showing your true love for him (John 14:15, 21-24).  They key is obedience, and to be obedient one must hear from God, not rely on his own understanding.

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